
Our accessories collections have many useful items such as handbags, bags, belts and purses. With designs from top brands such as Hicks & Hides. Styles handcrafted from soft, supple leathers create a timeless finish. It’s easy to make an instant impact with women’s bags that look this good. Structured shapes add a smart finish to outfits, and adjustable straps bring versatility.

Our range of luxury bags for women also includes elevated clutches for completing your eveningwear. Envelope pouches with magnetic closures look angular and modern.

For all-day use, our larger designer handbags with practical compartments enable you to keep your belongings neat and organised. Padded sections provide safe spaces for laptops and tablets, and phone pockets make sure your device is ready to slip out when you need it. Choose a style with a tubular carry handle or padded shoulder strap to mix style with comfort.

Keep your beloved bags in excellent condition with a leather care product. We have Nourishing formulas and cleaning solutions that make it easy to maintain that good-as-new finish. Indulge in the delicious fresh leather smell, too. We also have leather protectors to keep your bags like new ones.

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